Wednesday, June 24, 2009

First Posting

I actually opened this account months ago and have just now found the time to actually write something. I guess I'll just dive right in...As of yesterday, I am 13 weeks pregnant with our second baby. Unfortunately for me, I am showing much faster this time around. I know... they say that's the way it's supposed to be if it's not your first. However, it makes me think that I will grow to an unimaginable size. Really, I don't mind the huge belly when it's obvious that I'm pregnant. I hate that weird inbetween phase when strangers obviously think you could either be the cute expectant mother or the alcoholic who has a few too many on the weekend. I have an appointment on the 3rd of July, which happens to be my birthday. We will finally get to hear the heartbeat. I love my doctor here in Hillsboro but I can't help but notice that we miss out on some important things possibly because a lot of his patients don't have the means for them. I have considered changing doctors but I'm really attached to him since he delivered Rylie almost three years ago. We still haven't seen the baby. This makes me really uneasy, so next Friday can't come soon enough.

Anyway, Rylie is so excited about this new baby. She understands that it will be a long time before we get to meet him (or her). She saw a baby at the library the other day and told the mother that she was gonna get one of those later. Even though she's only 2 1/2, Rylie wants to make sure the baby is doing ok. It's so sweet. We are really trying to potty train this summer. Some progress has been made but I still think she prefers to crap her pants. I've been trying to entice her with promises of using the potty at the library or even Wal-Mart (even though I find that nasty, I'm desperate). She's fighting back a little less every day so maybe it will happen soon.

Chad said "You don't have my permission to use my name in your blog." So... anyway, He has been alternating working weekends with a few other people at work so we actually get to see him this summer. He does have to work the weekend of my birthday, but that's nothing new. Rylie and I will have a celebration of our own. Sorry to anyone who may read this...our lives aren't really that interesting.

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